Like you, I’m a passionate user of K.Bin but lately, I’m noticing that things are getting kinda stale around here. The most recent thread in this, the top-level magazine on K.Bin, is 4 days old. Many other top 25 magazines are also suffering from a similar lack of fresh content. I run /m/scifi and it’s been continuing to grow and thrive over the past 4 months for one simple reason. If you want to Supercharge K.Bin, then remind yourself of those four little words every day:

It’s the content, stupid.

This should be the defacto slogan of K.Bin - you wanna get people off of Reddit? It’s the content, stupid. Stop complaining that Reddit sucks - we KNOW it sucks - but K.Bin won’t become the sane alternative if there’s nothing to read or interact with, there.

I’m just one person, but I’m doing my part and I know others are doing the same. If we can transition from 1% of the crowd adding new content for the other 99% to lurk and read to 5% of the crowd adding new stuff for 50% of the crowd to respond to and the other 45% to lurk and read, we’ll be well on our way to defeating Reddit.

Food for thought - have a great weekend.

    1 year ago

    So, I post content (on average once every 3 days, despite my drop in activity this month), I engage in the comments (more than you do, if we’re counting), I moderate a community, and I file bug reports in an attempt to make this a better platform.

    So yes, I am doing my part, and that does qualify me to comment on the state of Kbin. Suggesting I don’t is toxicity we don’t need here.

    And pretending that Kbin is just fine won’t help this platform to become successful. And yes, despite my criticisms, I want this to be a successful Reddit replacement. But it’s struggling to become relevant, and I’m frustrated with its lack of progress.

    People want stuff to read, not people to point at ‘the problem.’

    People also want interesting discussions on topics they care about. I know that because for years I was a moderator of a small but active subreddit.

    The m/men magazine I moderate used to be the #20 most active one on Kbin, a place you’re now proudly proclaiming m/scifi has…

    I’m waiting to see if ernest’s promised next version of Kbin will actually improve things, especially on the moderation side. Otherwise I have to reconsider where to direct my efforts.