CSS also pisses me off because it clearly doesn’t cascade… to contrast SQL is a language, it is used for querying… and it’s structured horribly. Please for the love of God let me FROM foo WHERE bar SELECT baz
Real programmers refuse to refer to MSSQL as anything except TransactSQL or TSQL because 1) MSSQL is a fucking mouthful whether you prefer Sequel or ess-cue-el and 2) because those assholes named their RDBMS SQLServer thud leading to the constant confused “How is the SQL server doing?” 'SQL Server? We’re not a Micro$oft shop…"
The real complex one is whether you’re a postgre-ess-cue-el, postgres-cue-el, postgres-ess-cue-el, postgre-sequel, postgres-equal or postgres-sequel aficionado… and if you enjoy postgres-equal please fucking leave now.
I prefer SQL, because you can pronounce it “sequel” or “es-cue-ell”, and it’s fine. CSS just doesn’t have that kind of flexibility as a language.
CSS also pisses me off because it clearly doesn’t cascade… to contrast SQL is a language, it is used for querying… and it’s structured horribly. Please for the love of God let me
I have also heard some say “school”
Well, those people are maniacs
I have a friend who intentionally mis-calls it “squoll”
I like squeal. MS-squeal, my-squeal
Real programmers refuse to refer to MSSQL as anything except TransactSQL or TSQL because 1) MSSQL is a fucking mouthful whether you prefer Sequel or ess-cue-el and 2) because those assholes named their RDBMS SQLServer thud leading to the constant confused “How is the SQL server doing?” 'SQL Server? We’re not a Micro$oft shop…"
The real complex one is whether you’re a postgre-ess-cue-el, postgres-cue-el, postgres-ess-cue-el, postgre-sequel, postgres-equal or postgres-sequel aficionado… and if you enjoy postgres-equal please fucking leave now.
i’m leaning towards “skull” tho