Personally not an issue for me since I disabled EAC and use permanently offline mode, but it’s always great to see Deck specific fixes like this.
If only other companies did this. Looking at you, Ubisoft.
I would love to play Ghost Recon Wildlands coop on the go but can’t because of the shitty EAC that doesn’t like Linux.
It’s just hearsay, but I’ve read a few times that EAC actually makes supporting Linux fairly easy and at almost no cost, but the game companies just don’t care
I would not be at all surprised. Considering it’s an older game and they want players to play the new, always online title, they have no incentive to go back and fix it. It really sucks because it’s one of my favorite games I’ve put hundreds of hours into and it plays beautifully on the Deck.
I mean, it would be a bad look if one of the 8 most played games on SD in 2023 was gimped in 2024…
I wonder if this will affect my main computer. I had one of those rare configurations that caused the anticheat to completely tank my fps. Disabling the anticheat made it perfectly playable.