Plasma 6.0.1, the first batch of corrections and enhancements to Plasma 6.0, has landed
The next update will be delivered promptly next Tuesday, 12th of March.
KWin: Fix confined pointer being able to escape the surface.
I am so happy there are people working on the greatest Desktop, who know what the hell that means XD
You know how, when playing a first person shooter or something similar, you can endlessly move the mouse in one direction without leaving the window? That’s because the game tells the system “the mouse shouldn’t leave this box”, so when you’re at the edge, it doesn’t move further.
That was broken.
Just a note, when I first launch cyberpunk 2077, my mouse has an issue where its stuck in the center of the screen, if I change the resolution of the game to something smaller and then change it back to my default res, it fixes it. Was on pop!_os before this and didn’t have the issue even when on wayland. Seems related. Thanks for KDE NEON and plasma 6. I just switched to it and overall I am very happy!
@furbyonsteroids @kde @kde But it’s already there? 🤔