That’s such a low bar that it’s clipped through the floor.
The author is basing this claim on feedback from FIVE people who have been playing the game. If Bethseda are only expecting a similar number to play it once it’s released, then this is a useful metric. Otherwise it’s meaningless.
Man, “15 hours in and not a single bug.” I love Bethesda, but I feel like that’s an incredibly bold claim to make and that his definition of bug is probably a bit loose. I wish they wouldn’t make this big of a hubbub about it and just let the game speak for itself if it’s really that solid.
I wanna hear how bug free the game is from those 2,000 hours in one save file weirdos.
Yeah the games solid til about hour…269? Then everyone T-poses and then falls into geometry.
Yeah, maybe the 2,062 cheese wheels I have stored in my house could be bugging things out but I doubt it.
👎 Not recommended
6,940 hours playtime
Bugthesda strikes again!
Think the game is stable? Try teleporting nothing but cheese wheels for three straight days.
Least buggiest? Are we just giving up on English, “journalists?”
deleted by creator
Today I’ve been playing My Friend Pedro and man it’s been incredible.
That’s a really low bar NGL
I’m going to wait for launch and reviews for sure
It’s hilariously sad when you require a headline like that because of your previous games.
I have like zero hype for this game, and absolute bangers of games have dropped recently. I’m definitely going to put this on the “maybe” list and let other people test it out for me, I’m in no rush.
I still don’t really know what it is. Because it seems to have random generation so that makes me think it’s just going to be another no man’s sky.
The big problem with randomly generating a bazillion planets is they’re all boring. Random terrain generation will always result in dull terrain because an algorithm isn’t creative, it’s not even AI level aware, it’s just maths.
Don’t fall for the investor hype. Current AI aren’t even close to being intelligent or aware. As you said for algorithms, it’s just math, algebraic topology and graph theory to be precise.
Todd Howard should spend more time debugging and less paying for positive articles.
I see the npcs still have the signature Bethesda empty stare… is that a stylistic choice or do they just suck at face mocap?