I envy your lack of this particular childhood trauma.
I envy your lack of this particular childhood trauma.
No kidding.
I remember dad making me read some book proving the end times were here because Saddam was Nebuchadnezzar reborn (the proof was their silhouettes looking similar). So much “whore of Babylon” stuff.
He recently sent me a YouTube video of a guy talking about the valley of Jehoshaphat and Trump heralding the end times.
It never ends.
When you start proselytizing your feelings about it including through seemingly bad faith posts on the Internet that beg the question.
It’s certainly a rarity (and a crying shame!). The closest things we see regularly are chicken nuggets and battered/breaded fried fish, but I’ve never seen those premade at a butcher shop either, just the freezer section from the giant companies at the grocery store.
But this thread did make me recall https://shorelunch.com/ which is a DIY crumb. Shake-n-bake is the pervasive product.
Panko is also a popular option for the crumb.
Don’t worry, George Kurtz (crowdstrike CEO) is unavailable today. He’s got racing to do #04 https://www.gt-world-challenge-america.com/event/95/virginia-international-raceway
Best part? George Kurtz (crowdstrike CEO) won’t be available for handling the fallout. He’s busy racing this weekend.
Car #04 in the entry list https://www.gt-world-challenge-america.com/event/95/virginia-international-raceway
I haven’t for months now, but it certainly ran well at release.
Username checks out!
I think that’s an appropriate response…
Garuda. Gaming/perf focus, with lots of built-in niceties (like btrfs snapshots on upgrade, proton GE, etc)
Ooh, my family’s was a 386 Wang Exec. My mom upgraded to the 384MB 5.25" internal hard drive. Dual 5.25 and 3.5 inch disk drives. So many memories.
It’s a simple trick in Vim:
For the lazy: :w !sudo tee > /dev/null %
Wild. 5.27 broke it completely for me! (2070 Super)
I upgraded today!
Encountered only one multimonitor issue with one panel migrating to the primary display after logout/restart, but otherwise, smooth sailing.
Wayland session even seems stable on Nvidia again (I have nothing but regrets about that GPU choice I made 4 years ago).
That’s great! I’m glad it was that easy.
gamescope sounds like exactly what you’re looking for.
Bah, I read Nobara and assumed gnome. You said KDE right there.
Well, good news: Kwallet has a similar feature, albeit through an extra package: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/KDE_Wallet#Unlock_KDE_Wallet_automatically_on_login
To hazard a guess, this is a gnome keyring asking to be unlocked after login?
Caveat: it has been a few years since I was on gnome.
You can tie it to the login with the gnome keying PAM module.
Hey, me too!