I’ve seen a couple taxidermied ones. They are big cats indeed.
I’ve seen a couple taxidermied ones. They are big cats indeed.
There was some sort of problem which caused the touch sensors to just go haywire. It was years ago now. The phone didn’t last terribly long for me.
It started bugging out in, initially, unpredictable ways. It would open and close apps almost at random, as well as interact with them, but only while or right after you were touching the screen. Sometimes it would freeze. Of course I restored the thing to factory settings, but it didn’t make a difference. It was unusable.
Despite my criticisms, I use Amazon Prime Video quite a lot. It’s one of the best platforms for finding random horror movies, and that’s totally my jam.
Horror tends to be “slow” because you need to build an immersive experience for the audience in order for the horror elements to have their intended effect.
I find it a bit amusing that you chose two horror films which I have always found to be not remotely scary as your go-to horror examples. I enjoyed them growing up, but I think they were only scary to older generations (I am an older Millennial).
By design to get you to pay for more services.
I wish mine hadn’t died on me a couple years ago. The newer a models are so much bigger.
Initiated in reaction against the perceived impoverishment of the decorative arts and the conditions in which they were produced,[3] the movement flourished in Europe and North America between about 1880 and 1920.
Cougars. We have them where I live and they’re adorable and beautiful, but I prefer not to meet any in person.
I would recommend not using your regular email address or phone number. I think you might be required to give your real address, though.
No. That’s still not a citation.
I never cared for it myself, but they’re deep fried, so it makes sense that people enjoy it. Fat is satisfying.
“Slyly” actually kind of bothers me a little due to how it looks.
By all accounts, Vietnam can be a very nice place to live. Cuba, maybe not.
Of course. I have. Spent some time in Japan. I would very happily go back, but I’m in the States again now.
Can confirm. Well-educated American. Never heard of it (didn’t study chem in college).
Ohhhhh. I wish that were explained more. My only problem with the term “cis” is that it seemed to come from nowhere, a made-up term out of a random syllable that was suddenly being applied to people.
lol, I didn’t even know that it wasn’t available on the web.