Imagine being self aware enough to ask this question but not so self aware to come to the obvious answer.
Imagine being self aware enough to ask this question but not so self aware to come to the obvious answer.
Hey now, that sounds like a lot of work that’ll get into the way of my doom scrolling and being a miserable bastard time
Everyone knows that the glow stick juice is where it’s at.
Commendable for them to try and make a series about the biggest void of personality in gaming.
I hear they even tried making him relatable to G*mers
Sweet Caroline is getting that way for Football. Especially now that the English nicked it from us
Very popular in the Hoosier state
Gabe makes too much money off it to care.
They’re not the first game to exploit that.
So many games got through greenlight because of the trading cards.
The demo/preview of “Golden Lap” the motorsports management game from Funselektor.
A game I was looking forward too, before playing the demo. Now not so much.
Just one more update bro.
It’s not. It’s an old picture with a new caption.
This is an old picture with the AI caption added.
I mean that’s just borderlands isn’t it.
Unless you’re putting the milk and cereal into a blender. No. Cereal and milk isn’t soup.
This isn’t because journalists hate Xbox. But because gamers hate Xbox, and they know this will get them clicks.
I told some mods to kiss my ass and balls. Just got a warning
Creating the loot box economy, profiting off cosmetics while hackers ruin the game, sequels that add small features, forcing a contained story to be episodic.
" love GabeN for making even games from other studios playable on Linux"
stor stockholmsenergi
Counter Strike, TF2, Half-life 2.
And forcing users to download a proprietary launcher
Well there are only really two where I’m at. Smallest one probably most well known for being the setting for a comedy TV show or it’s wall.
The smallest settlement listed on Wikipedia is known for a bridge.