My niece and nephew loved the “this guy” gag. What’s got two thumbs and thinks you’re the coolest? THIS GUY! and point to yourself with your thumbs.
🔥b00bs🔥 feel like bags of sand 💯
Napoleon Dynadidn’t
Personally, the first time I experienced this.`
And automated paper towel dispensers… “You will give me a paper towel, now.” And they reply (in my mind), “To gibba pappa towa, now”.
Reminds me of Thunderbirds Are Go
Dibs on the bike!
And did you love it too much, baby?
Effective has two effs. I appreciate that defective only has one eff. Like, if you give an eff about something, you can make what doesn’t work, work.
Neither. There is an age difference, sure, but an 80 year old woman is a well-lived human adult who can make her own choices. If it were an 80 year old female elf, then possible. Not sure what the age of consent is in elvish customs, or the age of emotional maturity. As for robbing the grave, no, she’s not dead. Robbing the cradle implies young life inside the cradle and there is nothing living in a grave. Now, if the elf provided the woman with prolonged life through elvish ways, then technically, he’s robbing the grave.
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars did the same thing. It added to the realism because it was “now”. That being said, I don’t want real world advertising in my fantasy world game playing time. World building fake ads? Like frilly toothpicks, I’m for ‘em!
It’s 9AM on a Saturday And I am dropping a deuce There’s a piano sitting next me My bowels are sloppy and loose
“Maybe a bit too relatable?” - Billy Joel (probably)
Ah, yes. Mozzarella. Fruit of the udder.
“Jesus juice”
Superliminal. Some problems aren’t a problem with the right perspective.
Take Five - Dave Brubeck