I cut in half, and lay the half down flat. Then I cut off just the very end from each side which makes it easier to lift the peel off. Then slice. Usually works, but occasionally there’s difficulty. Isn’t that life?
I cut in half, and lay the half down flat. Then I cut off just the very end from each side which makes it easier to lift the peel off. Then slice. Usually works, but occasionally there’s difficulty. Isn’t that life?
You can bring your phone into the X-ray room. Unless you’re getting a hip X-ray you can even keep it in your pocket. Keys and wallet too!
All my patients are convinced that a phone can’t be in the pocket and I cannot even convince them otherwise. They don’t believe me!
Good names! They sound original and they could all pass as a country
I’m trying to remember. I think they had cameras. I know I had the Motorola Razr. Everyone had that phone. I think it had a camera and that was basically it. But everyone has that phone because it looked cool.
Lemmy is left leaning but downvotes anything that suggests poll numbers are slipping for Biden, or if people are unsatisfied with his performance. It’s news! Are y’all just downvoting it because you don’t like it?
That’s never happened to me unless I had maybe some dirt on my hands or on my body where I rubbed lotion on. Could that be what happened? Maybe some small dirt particles collected lotion and made little bits ?
Same! And then it even started the same way. I was already laughing at a good prank
Maybe it’s not surprising but as an X-ray tech we wear a badge that records our radiation exposure. Every quarter it gets read and if our exposure is too high I can’t work anymore. Maybe for the rest of the year, maybe forever. I’ve never heard of that actually happening though.
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I like this story. I hope the nice bat is flying around now chomping mosquitoes
I’m speechless. I have no speech. How on earth can a person wake up in the morning and have a thought like this.
Subsistence farming is a terrible way to live
Ma’am are you okay?
I live in a major city but like I’m in a bad neighborhood so there’s only one grocery store within 5 miles. It makes no sense. A food desert in a major city so that I’m forced to drive just to like get screws from a hardware store or toilet paper or something
I want to stop ruminating about things I wish I would have said or some stupid thing I did say or why did I do that
For reference, this is Brawny paper towels where the sheets are perforated the other direction, allowing you to actually tear a half sheet. This is what “select a size” should mean.
Haven’t visited Reddit since I came here last summer. I love it here. It’s not perfect, but it’s ours
When a person tells you that a loved one has passed, ask what the their name was and say it back. It can be awkward when that comes up and you might not know how to respond best. I’ve found that most people don’t want you to feel bad for them, but them saying their name and having a chance to talk about them is often a nice thing.
I’m in healthcare so death comes up a lot. “David. That’s a nice name. Where was he from?”
Dude awesome. I mean you gotta hand it to them. Killing it with affordable electric cars, solar panels and now this. It’s a step in the right direction, and that’s more than you could say about UK
I’m digging a tiny hole and staying inside forever with occasional peeks outside to see if it day or night. Tell my wife I miss her