fuck it
Conservatives/Shills I made delete their accounts in shame by beating them in arguments : 2
Past winners :
fuck it
Valve buys up dev teams that are about to shake the industry up. Valve haven’t actually been the ones to make something new in a long time. TFC, CS, Portal, DoD, L4D, Alien Swarm, Dota 2… were all made by outside dev teams that Valve absorbed and put their name on.
I mean, that’s the entire point they have at valve. They want to get the people with talent recognition and resources. That’s why they did all that stuff with the tf2 asset store. Fuck it, the community is better than us than making maps. let’s get them to make maps, sell a thing that puts money to the map maker’s hands.
Oh, these kids are awesome, they would do wonders with more money and an audience. Fuck it, here you go. Oh BTW, old man murray was an awesome site, let’s get the writers behind that a steady paycheque and have them write the story for these kids and their wacky princess portal wall thing.
What’s that, they want to use our cornerstone IP universe? Eh, fuck it, why not.
We can’t make shitloads of games, let’s just make it so that when people want to sell games, we can host the games. Fuck it, we just cornered the PC gaming distrobution scene.
Microsoft might fuck people over with their OSes? Fuck it, let’s extend and contribute to linux in a symbiotic way, then people don’t have to rely on MS to game on PC.
etc, etc.
valve isn’t about making games, it’s about extending the pc gaming ecosystem and making it so that people with talent get money, and people who want to play games can play them, and to bridge the gap between the two.
my idea is more that they printed out timetables, set up clocks etc to claim that they are punctual.
When you stop having a realistic view of porn. If you are using it as a simple pleasure and exploring sexual expression, there’s no issue.
If you see you are using it too much, and is causing you problems, you may need to be aware that you are developing an addiction like any other.
If you start purposefully avoiding it even at the cost of your own comfort and stress relief, saying things like “porn wrecks your mind and sexuality”, you are entering the current conservative, frustrating young people to manipulate them territory.
Ironically, trains don’t run on time, despite their fame.
except the london underground, that shit comes once ever 3 mins bang on time, I miss it so bad.
except the times I had to use the overground like a fucking chump, that shit’s just national rail with a brand makeover. I had to wait like 20 mins to get on the train to go get laid after work.
worth it though
I work salesforce adjacent, the desire to scream FIGMA NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTS every time I get one of these mails, or have to not laugh when they mention it in meetings is too much
Any brand willing to risk it for the biscuit by using Skullgrid in an advert is ok by me.
Band I love gets money, brand gets… confused public?
so… shadow warrior?
The cut off conspiracy theory image 🤣
what’s your opinion on project 2025 and its contents?
They did release UT 3… But not unreal 3 🤔
It’s hard to be mad when they shove a load of that money to improve pc gaming and boost Linux compability .
Im amazed at how epic is fucking up their success with Fortnite and the unreal engine. Valve transformed the good will from HL into a fucking empire dominating pc gaming distribution, and it just kept the end user in mind just a bit but still tried all it could to make profit.
Epic can’t stop fucking up the end users’ rights and thus are getting beaten
Like moving out of any post-industrial place that has become an absolute shithole.
Yeah, I’m looking at you, Middlesbrough.
Wat? Can’t they just ingest powders to make a zone in their body become water based lube?
sure, that’s a valid critique, and based on your objective experience.
however, compare your experience with other games that could be interpreted as “abusive pay for play systems”. You’re paying for the monthly game subscription similar to other MMOs, rather than a pay to win system based on microtransactions or other predatory practices.
From an outsiders perspective, what I’ve heard about Eve and their payment model, it seemed more fair and two way than most other games.
you’re really going to criticise the game that lets you earn IRL money by obtaining in game currency and selling it by saying it’s an “abusive pay for play system”
yeah, eve is pay to play alright. Get paid to play that is.
It’s female bubbles