The Deck is plugged into a hub with a monitor, m+kb, and a focusrite Scarlett solo, and Reaper is the DAW I use.
It’s pretty much just plug and play, I may have had to finnick with the software to get the focusrite going right away but it wasn’t much time at all, if any. Other than that, recording and editing as normal!
I have mine set up in groups, per hard drive.
Documents is set up for projects. Downloads gets grouped every few months and turned into a backup downloads folder on the backup hard drive.
So it goes from C:/Downloads into H:/Backups/Downloads/Downloads-11-19-2024
Every other hard drive is mostly just games, so it’s set up by project and the Games with whichever launcher.
I don’t have many projects that go more than 6 folders deep, most would be 4 at most