Fuck off Sony
Fuck off Sony
I’d rather play neither
I’m glad it’s coming on PC but I’m so tired of being a second citizen. For this reason I’m not buying any PC ports that come out after timed exclusives. At least not on day one, or for full price.
Soz Todd, you can’t polish a turd
Nah I’m with the guy above, I’m sure they’ll find a way to fuck this up
Rings of Power and Wheel of Time were crushing in their ability to deliver disappointment.
In the real story on which the movie is based off, the bear dies pretty much after going on a coke binge. Thus proving that bears can also die rockstar deaths.
Who the fuck asked for this?
Haha awww what else can they do really, glad the game is getting all the recognition it deserves.
She would not survive after…
I’ve not had any disappointing results from VLC. Is there a reason why MPV would be recommended over VLC or MPC-BE?
Which holes?
From my experience so far most things in life can be found cheap, moderate price and expensively priced. However there’s a point of diminishing returns on your investment ie after that point you could spend loads for marginal gains. Find this point see where on the graph you can afford it.
Love both those anime!
How to pick up women #pua
I’m going to take a guess - survival.
The devs of MS are fairly incompetent - look at all the first party games they’ve released, including ones from purchased studios.