It’s fixed, and the python version had nothing to do with it. Just use hatch
It’s fixed, and the python version had nothing to do with it. Just use hatch
You can update the whole base image. Vanilla OS and SteamOS have an A/B partition that holds the currently-in-use image and can also hold a to-be-used image.
Updating works by adding the to-be-used image, setting a configuration option that tells the system to boot that one, and on the next boot it’ll check if the new one is bootable, then either boot it and mark it as working, or boot into the old one and display an error about how out wasn’t able to boot into the new one.
There’s smart things going on like maybe hard linking files that didn’t change between the two images and therefore saving space and copying time.
The result is that you never have a broken system, but you can still frequently update the base image.
I feel like that has been superseded by Nix these days. Arch is now boring stable tech.
You say that as if somebody was disputing that.
The distinction ceased to be meaningful the minute language servers got introduced.
Laptop tries to reboot for 5th update of the day
I can’t connect to the internet, Dave, I’m afraid I cannot allow you to start me up again
You try to ignore helpful tips from the guy next to you, pretending your headphones are still active.
You choke back tears as Windows had enough from your feeble attempts to boot and the power button stops doing anything.
Hatch is great. It’s easy to get started but I wouldn’t call it simple. Flit is simple, because it’s limited.
Hatch is complex enough to allow you to override everything, which makes it not simple, but also not complicated.
I agree, although it undersells hatch and has a title that made me roll my eyes. Very well researched, none of the usual hot takes and clichés.
Try spending a new year’s eve in e.g. Germany.
everybody above the age of 15 can and will start fireworks in close vicinity to everyone else doing it. You do not feel safe.
Doesn’t apply to the author here, so I don’t understand why you brought it up?
They accepted one that adds gender neutral pronouns in more than one place instead lol
You’re right, of you have compete freedom, do that. If the place you want or need to go to is most comfortably reachable via rattlesnake road, bring boots.
In other words, if you don’t think the wasm landscape is mature enough to build a web thing with it, you are stuck with JavaScript, but you don’t have to rawdog it. I haven’t run in a single weird thing like this in years of writing typescript with the help of its type system, ESLint and a formatter.
Just use a formatter. It’ll show you that the second one is two statements:
(the empty block)+[]
coerce an empty array to a number: new Number(new Array())
That’s the last three words of the article. The author didn’t miss the connection either.
I always wonder when people repeat something from the article or ask a question that’s answered in the article: did you not read it or did you just want to start a discussion about this connection and are somehow constrained in the number of words you can write per day?
I haven’t read anything this cursed in a while
Great path, your Rust (and e.g. Python) will benefit a lot in the medium term. Medium because if you’re anytging like me, you’ll overcorrect at first and try to do everything without variables lol
Testing superscript syntax: 10-9
It’s not a standard, it’s built on standards.
You can also use Poetry (which recently grew standard metadata support) or plain
uv venv
if you want to do things manually but fast.