It is all AI hype isn’t it?
It is all AI hype isn’t it?
What is dead may never die.
Strange argument… how does that prevent checks versus Windows 7, 8 and 1* all of which would be less than 9.
They presumed it is gonna be the next Nolan movie.
Taxes! But different. This channel is very informative:
The first Episode of Sabrina Live! is called How the Rich Don’t Pay Taxes. All the rich need to do is use three simple steps: “Buy, Borrow, Die.” In this episode, Rich Kid attempts to buy a $50 video game after purchasing a $1 Pokemon card. He then leaves his Pokemon card to his son - Rich Kid II.
Voice to Text system for Linux.
After Sayboard for Android, it seems plausible to get a local voice recongnition system for PC too.
It exists, kind of. Python has this construct
for item in iterable:
which always puzzles me, since it depends on a break statement execution. I always have to look it up when the else block is executed.
Better? Firefox Translations does it locally without sending data to the cloud. The languages it support are very few though
That math does not check out. There are only 8.1 billion humans alive. How can there be trillions of companies?
Lemmyverse? How will that exist in the Fediverse?
Fediverse > Lemmy Galaxy / Cluster?
Wallabag is like Pocket but self hosted and better.
Seems like this can be done in the browser using a user agent switcher.
The sound of silence. Literally.
For now.
Tagline for Lemmy (every social media in existence)
He was from the future. Look, he’s reading from a book made of flexible glowing paper and not flat tablets like we primitive people do.
2036 to 2038 is gonna be wicked.
Accessible for everyone.
If the desktop UX has very good screen readers, keyboard navigation, voice to text etc., I believe its benefits would automatically spill over to all.
Also it would retain the UI / UX experts who become forced to abandon Linux for macOS which maintains a niche in this.
You could instead use the Web Archives extension. Works for most common paywalls.
This will be the headline a month later: