Lines of separation are bad? I like adding a few empty lines to denote a different logical section so it’s easier for me to read back later :c
Lines of separation are bad? I like adding a few empty lines to denote a different logical section so it’s easier for me to read back later :c
I’d argue against the example image being damning in the first place because it’s fairly obvious they’re both derived from the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, which is well passed the point of being public domain
It’s been a week and my CEO still hasn’t responded my email asking for scope clarification for a project he asked me to do…
Just to be pedantic, iso 8601 stipulates that the delimiting character is a “-” not a “.”
Why no reverse proxy?
I’ve been really happy with it; I’ve been using it for templating reports at work for months now. I’ve just started experimenting with using jinja to pretemplate my template lol.
I’ll probably continue down that track to try and automate my workflow away so I can focus on less tedious things, but after you get used to the box encapsulation it becomes fairly easy to work with!
Can we get a Santa v Satan boxing movie?
The epic of Gilgamesh was written in Akkadian like 2000bc. Old English would be more like Beowulf.
I’m currently in dependency hell trying to compile a zip formatted react native program I’ve been given
If you want to use python, you could try Flet. I’ve been using it for some projects at work and it’s dead simple to create an acceptable UI and the docs are very easy to read through with frequent examples. In July they added support for Android and iOS via progressive web apps, I haven’t tried it out yet, but it seems interesting so I might start a project in it soon…
I’ve been having fun with it, if that’s worth anything!
Otherwise, depending on your phone I’d just do native code with Kotlin + jetpack compose for Android or Swift + swiftUI for Apple. I always greatly preferred android development in school but once jetpack compose and swiftUI came out I find them both to be about the same level of enjoyment.
All three of those options are all declarative (describe how you want it to look in code) and I find it much easier to deal with than iOS storyboards or Android xmls.
Ahh I see, now I get it. I never quite understood the need for the (he/she/them) when meeting new groups because I always felt aggressively apathetic to my own pronouns; sort of a “I don’t care what you call me it doesn’t change my feeling of me”. But your comment and this chain helped that click for me!
Skin cancer is the sun convinces a cell to go with their totallynotapyramidscheme MLM; the cell, in turn, convinces other cells to join their pyram- I mean MLM.
Regression is when the MLM slips up and the cell police finally have enough evidence to take it down for the pyramid scheme it is.
Bit flips occur when a posse of electrons loses an intimidation check to the sun.
I find this hilarious.
Wow that’s pretty vicious, I’m proud(?) of Oracle (that feels wrong to say)
Do you think nixos will be a good alternative to rocky/alma for servers?
I use it for home and work! I quite like it though I miss latte dock still, dragging windows from the top bar was just so useful for me
In what way, if I may ask?
I got some seeds from a nice person on r/guerrillagardening, they were showy milkweeds!
I’d I unironically say that philosophy and logic classes are extremely helpful for programming.