Makes sense. What I’ve decided to do is try to help it grow by offering your standard items for Monero, such as AAA batteries, toasters, coffee makers, baking dishes, etc.
Makes sense. What I’ve decided to do is try to help it grow by offering your standard items for Monero, such as AAA batteries, toasters, coffee makers, baking dishes, etc.
Oh, I completely agree. I wouldn’t touch that world coin shit with a 30-foot pole. As for Monero in your country, you could be one of the first.
Because everybody’s totally going to believe that. LOL.
Blind, cant read pic.
Okay, then in that case you know more about it than I do because I’ve been under the impression for a very long time that it was blockchain-based.
Ripple does actually use the blockchain. It’s called the Ripple ledger. Its symbol is XRP and you can buy it
I do not understand why you would want a money that can be traced by anybody with a web browser that just seems a bit ridiculous to me.
Not all crypto is this scammy. That’s for sure. Monero is actually used as money and people buy items with it on a fairly regular basis. XMRBazaar and MoneroMarket have ~2900 items and services you can purchase directly with Monero and that number is growing at a steady pace. Plus there are business directories like Monerica that have more businesses listed.
That’s a good point. Wouldn’t it have to have a mailbox though? Or is that something that the post office just does if you buy a piece of property without one already there?
Okay, that’s good to know. Until we can ditch the entire banking system for crypto wallets on our phone, that bank account issue is going to be a bit of a noose around people’s necks.
How do you deal with permanent addresses? I know like some jobs want you to have a permanent address and bank accounts want you to have a permanent address.
Dark reader for firefox
I left my final mainstream social media with the Reddit API debacle back in 2023. And before that, I left Facebook and Twitter in 2018.
It’s not my bot. It’s a bot somebody else created and I just use it.
I use a repost bot to keep up with the Monero reddit but most of the time I find that I’m not interested enough to actually click the link to go to the original post on reddit and so most of the time I just stay here. I deleted my account during the API issues back in June of 2023 and have not had an account since then and do not plan on going back as I really enjoy it here.
Encrypt everything as violence does not win over math and the US should go fuck a duck. I can’t wait until Monero grows big enough and they lose their dominance over the reserve currency status.
Monero has view keys for exactly this reason, so that if you need to make a transaction public for like an audit or something, you can do so. But on the protocol level, absolutely everything is always private.
Have you done any digging to see what the actual problem with it is? Are they uncomfortable with the technology? If so, is the technology something you can handle? Are they uncomfortable with the fluctuations? In that case, use the 365 day moving average and then update the price every like four months or something. Even though Bitcoin is the most popular crypto, you may want to avoid it simply because it’s an upskirt chain. And so every transaction you make to a supplier or whatever could be tracked. And so people could find out how much you pay for supplies, etc. In a business context, Monero would probably be better. Just simply because it has privacy. Also, since it is private and fungible, you, as a business owner, wouldn’t have to worry about if the transaction you are receiving is tainted with bad coins from other illicit usage, etc., where on Bitcoin and other chains, you definitely have to worry about that.