just a random employee. We could volunteer. And we had drills all the time.
I’m gonna go ahead and say that the lawyers I implemented it for understand it a lot better than you (and yes even Google’s lawyers).
If not in the EU, this doesn’t impact a business not planning to operate there.
it does if you ever will operate there though. Many many companies eventually need to do business in the EU. So not following GDPR is just asking to never be allowed to operate there ever. Fine for local newspapers, not fine for a finance company that eventually needs to do business across national boundaries.
contact your local Data Protection Authority. https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rights-citizens/redress/what-should-i-do-if-i-think-my-personal-data-protection-rights-havent-been-respected_en
I have fzf-git for all of that, but honestly I don’t ever use it, as I’m hardly ever switching between branches and tab complete is enough for me in most cases.
# Deciphered from fzf-file-widget. Somewhat unclear why it doesn't exist already!
function fzf_add_to_commandline -d 'add stdin to the command line, for fzf functions'
#git checkout $1
read -l result
commandline -t ""
commandline -it -- (string escape $result)
commandline -f repaint
function fzf_checkout -d "git checkout"
read -l result
git checkout $result
# https://gist.github.com/aluxian/9c6f97557b7971c32fdff2f2b1da8209
function __git_fzf_is_in_git_repo
command -s -q git
and git rev-parse HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
function __git_fzf_git_status
__git_fzf_is_in_git_repo; or return
git -c color.status=always status --short | \
fzf -m --ansi --preview 'git diff --color=always HEAD -- {-1} | head -500' | \
cut -c4- | \
sed 's/.* -> //' | \
commandline -f repaint
function __git_fzf_git_branch
__git_fzf_is_in_git_repo; or return
git branch -a --color=always | \
grep -v '/HEAD\s' | \
fzf -m --ansi --preview-window right:70% --preview 'git log --color=always --oneline --graph --date=short \
--pretty="format:%C(auto)%cd %h%d %s %C(magenta)[%an]%Creset" \
--print0 \
--read0 \
(echo {} | sed s/^..// | cut -d" " -f1) | head -'$LINES | \
sed 's/^..//' | cut -d' ' -f1 | \
sed 's#^remotes/##' | \
# fzf_add_to_commandline | \
function __git_fzf_git_tag
__git_fzf_is_in_git_repo; or return
git tag --sort -version:refname | \
fzf -m --ansi --preview-window right:70% --preview 'git show --color=always {} | head -'$LINES | \
function __git_fzf_git_log
__git_fzf_is_in_git_repo; or return
git log --color=always --graph --date=short --format="%C(auto)%cd %h%d %s %C(magenta)[%an]%Creset" | \
fzf -m --ansi --reverse --preview 'git show --color=always (echo {} | grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{7,\}") | head -'$LINES | \
sed -E 's/.*([a-f0-9]{7,}).*/\1/' | \
# https://gist.github.com/junegunn/8b572b8d4b5eddd8b85e5f4d40f17236
function git_fzf_key_bindings -d "Set custom key bindings for git+fzf"
bind \ca\cs __git_fzf_git_status
bind \ca\cf __git_fzf_git_branch
bind \ca\ct __git_fzf_git_tag
bind \ca\cl __git_fzf_git_log
You’re implying they give you multiple. I hardly ever get multiple, pretty much only if I ‘fail’ the first one.
It knows they’re wrong which is why I don’t really think this article is accurate. Is it training if it already has the answers? Probably not.
both of those aren’t websites. I use fork though and had no clue you could do that. I’ve needed that like 10 times in the last week alone haha
Performance? FF is faster than chrome. What are you talking about.
I do know that Mozilla’s Privacy Preserving Attribution is not something you should worry about. I also know if someone calls it the “enshitification of Firefox” or the work of an “anti-privacy, pro-advertising cabal,” they’re either ignorant or simply looking for rage bait clicks from angry Linux users.
They were fretting about it until their morals went out the door for money.
I did a bunch of image generation on my 3080 and it felt extremely fast. Enough that I was able to set it up as a shared node in one of those image generation nets and it outperformed most other people in the net.
You can use -
everywhere you can use a ref in a git command. I very often use
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -
git merge -
(Of course that’s all aliased and I have other flags in there too, but that’s the gist)
Probably a Scandinavian country if I had to guess.
Man I’d say their other stuff is terrible as well. Yeah it functions but what a low bar to meet.
We required (pretty sure it was fire code) designated people to carry immobile people down the stairs.
When I worked in a high rise we had floor fire wardens per office, and we had to have a plan on who would carry injured or otherwise immobile people down the stairs. I had an ankle surgery at one point and had a designated carrier, and a secondary for when they were out of office.
It’s a general security solution. They run on Mac and Linux as well. It just happened that crowdstrike only released the broken update for windows.
They make security software for every OS. My company has it running on our Macs, and Linux servers as well. It just happened to only break windows because that’s what they released the update for.
This might get me to try KDE lol. I’ve used this feature on my Mac for years just when I get bored in meetings and I’ve always wanted it to grow to that size.