I hate it when people on social media, dare ask questions when you know they’re fishing for personal information/ammo on people to exploit. Like asking for people’s dark secrets. Why do you want to know? Is there a fetish to this? Nobody is going to be dead serious, they’re just going to give softball answers and why should they trust you, random stranger online?

And I hate money-based questions. Unless I am given a large sum of money or if any of the money scenarios where I am given money comes true, I’m not going to answer these questions because I’m tired of fantasizing about something that will never likely happen in my life. You ask what I’d do with $10,000? Give it to me and I’ll show you. Otherwise, don’t ask.

  • man_in_space@kbin.social
    1 year ago
    • Where do you see yourself/what do you want to be doing in $NUMBER years? (How am I supposed to know?)
    • When are you going to find a woman and settle down? (Never, I’ve never had my feelings requited)
    • What happened that you’re feeling $MOOD? (I’m bipolar, a lot of the time it just happens)
    • Who did you vote for? (I don’t)
    • Anything about sex (I’ve never had it)
    • Pretty much anything my mother asks me…I love her but she peppers me with questions like a flechette round