Jobs that either don’t contribute in any meaningful way or jobs where one would be better off if they were paid to be on call.
Jobs that either don’t contribute in any meaningful way or jobs where one would be better off if they were paid to be on call.
Money managers, financial management. Yeah, they make sense in capitalism but they really don’t produce anything tangible.
What does Atwater make?
What do you mean, like, how much money does the company make?
Oh, no, I mean what do we make?
I don’t follow. We make money.
No, I know we make money. I mean, what do we create?
We create wealth.
No, no, I mean, what do we build, what do we design, you know? Because I have some ideas that could really help the company.
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, we don’t build anything.
The financial industry is, ostensibly, about connecting people that need money to people that have more than they need. In practice it’s about skimming from the top of EVERYTHING in society.
They provide plebs access to the complicated world of finance and pass on some of the yield. I think that’s valuable.