At the moment I am using Debian Bookworm and I can setup/configure 100% of my setup automatically everything via Ansible. (Only thing left after the Ansible script is login to my online accounts/email which I would rather not automate.)
Is there a way/does anyone have this working/running on Silverblue?
To be more concrete: After I install Silverblue with default settings, I want to automatically install all needed flatpaks, configure them (and link configuration files to a github repository) and also setup some toolboxes for development. With one command/step, like running Ansible.
Thanks a lot, will check your links tonight. I’ll try to wrap my head around why Ansible doesn’t work OOTB, given Red Hats involvement with Fedora and Ansible. Am I the only who tries to use Silverblue as cattle instead of a desktop pet?!
I was curious and I was able to use ansible to install a list of flatpaks without problem
The OCI features are pretty new (they won’t hit Fedora until F40) so there’s catching up to do still. They’ll get there at some point, there’s just a vast amount of existing work out there that they need to account for.