AccidentalRenaissance has no active moderators due to Reddit’s unprecedented API changes, and has thus been privated to prevent vandalism.
Resignation letters:
Openminded_Skeptic -
VoltasPistol -
We welcome you to join us in our new homes:
Thank you for all your support!
Original post from r/ModCoord
You don’t really get it, do you? Most of the mods in their respective communities cared about fostering a thriving community for their interests. Yes, power hungry mods who only do it out of power tripping exist, but those mods are the ones who are likely staying. The passionate ones, the ones who made the site, are leaving.
So now when everyone’s favorite subreddit gets installed with a bunch of new power-hungry mods, things aren’t going to be quality. There will be tons of shit flinging, tons of splitting the userbase and the general quality of the community will cease existing.
Free labor is replaceable. But passionate people are not.
Wow, that’s a lot of words defending pathetic jannies. Too bad I’m not reading them
deleted by creator
And? I miss r/drama and is superior to lemmy :marseycry: