…annndddd it’s gone. - Google killing this feature in 18 months.
Very exciting feature! I could definitely make use of some generative assist for more mundane notes.
I’m starting to quite like Keep. Two reasons - being able to set a reminder by location; “when my phone is here, remind me this”. Second, and so simple - saving a note automatically when I close the app. So many others don’t do that!
I’ve used it almost since day one. I like sending it a photo and converting the text to, well, text.
Tick box lists that don’t disappear when ticked and can easily change to a normal list.
Labels, colours, collaborating, text formatting, audio, reminders (location!) and of course native Android sharing. The widget is great as well.
I have to use MS for work and I use Keep for all sorts before sending across. Anything to avoid using One note, or Windows really.
saving a note automatically when I close the app. So many others don’t do that!
Oof. That seems like pretty basic Android functionality. It would be incredibly frustrating to switch apps and lose your note.
Yea, damn rare for an app to not save on the fly, as it’s how the data structures work by default on Android (and it addresses the memory management issue as you describe)
I can think of one app I have that requires you to save, out of the ~250 user apps on my phone. And I chose that app for that feature (a text editor).