In the current form of the ActivityPub Protocol, downvotes aren’t accounted for and thus don’t get communicated to other instances, regardless of whether they’re kbin or lemmy instances (or any other fediverse frontend).
Downvoted your comment just to test, they do get federated, though I couldn’t see it in your kbin instance cause I’m not logged on. But on (top level comment instance) and (post instance), your comment had 0. They’re created as “Dislike” activities in AP which is not exactly an agreed upon standard but other Lemmy instances recognise it.
In the current form of the ActivityPub Protocol, downvotes aren’t accounted for and thus don’t get communicated to other instances, regardless of whether they’re kbin or lemmy instances (or any other fediverse frontend).
Downvoted your comment just to test, they do get federated, though I couldn’t see it in your kbin instance cause I’m not logged on. But on (top level comment instance) and (post instance), your comment had 0. They’re created as “Dislike” activities in AP which is not exactly an agreed upon standard but other Lemmy instances recognise it.