Mine runs at 30watts at idle.
That powers 4 switches, 1AP, and my proxmox system (framework laptop motherboard) which runs my router and my services.
What is everyone else’s usage and what does it power?
Why are you asking, did my wife get you to ask?
But around 300w with 24 port switch, dish shelf (3.5" disks) and server with ssd’s and 2.5" disks
Between 3 switches, 4 servers, and my desktop also using one of my UPS units, I average about 850w, with peaks up to 1.1kw when my desktop is running. Luckily, electricity where I live is only 13cents/kwh.
I really don’t like how people most commonly try to justify the monetary cost of their power consumption.
In my opinion the way more important metrics should be how the energy you are consuming is generated and how much carbon emissions are caused by it.
Who cares that your 2000W@230V idle are “free”, if that means you are burning crude oil in your backyard to generate it…
Who cares
My wallet
I’m not saying that cost of power is entirely irrelevant.
I’m saying that “My setup consumes a lot of power, but that’s fine because it doesn’t cost me much” is kind of backwards. While monetary cost certainly is one of the arguments for energy efficiency, responsibly using resources and avoiding wasting energy are way more compelling ones imo. That especially applies if your energy isn’t produced via renewable means.
Even if power was entirely free of monetary cost, you shouldn’t waste it, don’t you agree?
5ish watts. Raspberry pi 4 with a 2TB SSD for backups.