Y’all worrying about a dollar while I’m over here waiting for chase to cash my 10mil check
Y’all worrying about a dollar while I’m over here waiting for chase to cash my 10mil check
He does sound like an AI suffering regurgitation hallucinations sometimes.
On that note why vampires hoarding all the crazy good dentists?
If like now I’m work from home I’d splurge on the place. I’m going to be there forever.
If I’m just working and then going out, then as long as it isn’t roach infested the cheap option.
My advice for car purchases is reverse.
of course sorry for delay.
Requirements: wmctrl, xdotool
My left screen is 1440p, second screen to the right is 1080 in portrait so you will have to swap the horz/vert locations to match your layout.
# Time in seconds to wait after launch of program and manipulation of window
# Launch FreeCAD maximized on the main screen
freecad &
sleep $timer # Wait for FreeCAD to launch
wmctrl -r "FreeCAD" -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
# Launch Cura on the second screen, top half
cura &
sleep $timer # Wait for Cura to launch
xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "Ultimaker Cura" windowsize 540 960 windowmove 2560 0
# Launch Firefox on the second screen, bottom half
firefox &
sleep $timer # Wait for Firefox to launch
xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "Mozilla Firefox" windowsize 540 960 windowmove 2560 960
echo "Applications have been launched and positioned."
Just setup for various hobbies.
For example Launch freecad on my main screen, cura & firefox etc in their preset positions and windowed sizes on the second screen.
In Linux I wanted a window to open in a specific place on boot. Fairly simple bash script.
In Windows FUCK YOU.
With llm’s you can get a lot of bad info but for Linux commands, basic tutorials and scripting Linux is WAY easier to learn nowadays.
Edit didn’t mean to imply Linux is easier than Windows to learn in general.
Figma puddin’
Got em
In some universe people looked at this and said… Yeah let’s cover ai robot death machines in it to assimilate into unknowing cultures.
It’s this universe isn’t it?
Bingo. I left the whole deal thinking “who is talking about toys r us? … Fuck.”
Day one patches effect physical games too I guess
I mean I’m more of a car guy so trucks and off roading aren’t my specialty but a vehicle built by a company that’s done it for a century vs a pissboy.
Gameification is the “react content” equivalent for lazy social media devs imo.
I can certainly see the point.
However at least in America self immolation and self harm in general pretty well remove your autonomy based on the assumption you’re not mentally well enough to make a choice either way.
Even then, if you look at the guy who just did it at Trump’s trial and the guy who did it to protest Israel they were on two different levels of cohesion in their reasoning and came to the same decision.
So to answer your question, depends I guess.
I think it made more sense originally when it was going to be fpga. Getting solid emulation for some of the more difficult and rare consoles back in 2018 would have given people at least a taste of how the consoles felt I guess.
You get used to it after a few scares. Hell I was just a pedestrian in Japan and damn near got run over looking the wrong way out of habit. Only once!
Still have my launch day version and bust it out to play some guilty gear with friends time to time. Got me into soft modding then hard modding other consoles. Even now it’s a tinkerer’s delight.
I have pto so basically for whatever reason. Surgery? Flu? Passed gas too hard and my bum hurts? Calling in.
Sending my bank information with smoke signals from burning tires would be more eco…