Thank you for differentiating between french and parisians.
Thank you for differentiating between french and parisians.
My honest opinion : there’s no red flag, don’t listen to the otger dinwit.
Stop devaluating yourself. Be proud of your accomplishments, no matter hoe small. Stop complaining. Start valuating yourself and others. Stop pointing out your foaws, value your qualities.
Nobody has fun with someone who constantly tries to play the victim and the whiNy baby. Be proud, be fierce.
The problem seems to come from Windows. However, what you can do is open a terminal then type :
sudo os-prober
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Try to reboot and see what happens. If it doesn’t fix anything, then it might be that your Windows SSD should be mounted directly on the motherboard or, at the very least, on a USB-C port.
Sometimes, what happens is that the hub needs a driver which isn’t loaded by the DOS kernel by default. And since it isn’t loaded, Windows can’t recognise the hub so the hard drive containing itself can’t be found.
If that solution works, maybe you should swap your windows and your linux SSDs, see if the linux kernel can figure out the hub at boot.
This error (hd0) is typical of legacy (BIOS) booting end happens solely because of the MBR. GRUB2 is hit or miss with MBR.
If you’re not planning on dual booting with Windows XP/Vista/7, I’d recommend going to your motherboard settings and changing the boot mode to UEFI.
Then reinstall Debian. That will automatically sort things out :)
Why do you have a /boot as EXT4 and a /boot/efi as FAT32 ?
I would have installed it with only a 500MB /boot as a FAT32 partition. There is no need to mount a partition in another one.
RSVP is more prevalent in the US (and the english speaking countries) than in France ;)
French :
ftg : ferme ta gueule (shut it) ntm : nique ta mere (fuck your mom) slt : Salut (hello) cv : ça va ? (How are you?) ptn : putain (fuck) srx : sérieux (really?) jpp : j’en peux plus (I’m fed up)
The stuttering can be caused by your video card. Do you use nvidia ?
Did you try replicating these issues with another browser ? Have they been resolved or stayed the same ?
Paris, it’s the WORST city in all of France.
Edit : May this post serve as a remembrance not to suggest an easy mode on FromSoftware game 😁
I think, for the most part, is that GIMP is obscure. Not as in ‘unknown’ but as in ‘really hard to master, how does anything work?’ It has been this way, voluntarily.
I think it’s what lacks in GIMP, a good user experience.
I have used gimp for the better part of the last ten years. It’s good. I have used Photoshop less than ten times in the same timespan. But when I need to do something, it will always be easier to me on photoshop, eveh though I’m not acquainted with it…
I think the sci-fi is not crap. But it is not appealing to everyone. DW remains a children’s show, always has been. It should be viewed as such, just like Star Wars is.
TBH, I still watch it, even though it peaked seasons 4 - 6, then went down and down and down. I think nostalgia has got a hold of me because the new season wouldn’t wouldn’t get hooked to it if I were my first time watching it.
KDE Connect is da Bomb
What a thrill…
If you dd a 1TB hard drive, it will create a 1TB image. You’d need to have a >1TB drive to store it. If you dd each partition separately, this won’t be the case.
Plus it will be easier to discriminate between different FS and mount them accordingly.
Should work. You’d be better off dd’ing each partition separately.
I’m not versed in bspwm, and this might be absolutely not a good solution (and one which you might have already done)
However from reading your .rc, it might be possible that the bottom padding has a default value (of 40). Have you tried setting it to 20 and see if it makes any difference ?
Bad Religion
The Exploited
Amyl and the Sniffers
Ludwig von 88
A distribution revolving around KDE might have what you are looking for.
Yet, in this particular situation, you might be better off using Windows if it only revolves around gaming.
Sometimes, it is better to take the path of least resistance.
I have a filter on, I block the words “Elon”, “Kamala” and “Trump”. Furthermore I block politics community. It’s not like they are about anything else than US politics anyway.