I like to think of Jesus with like giant eagles wings and singing lead vocals for lynyrd skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk.
I like to think of Jesus with like giant eagles wings and singing lead vocals for lynyrd skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk.
This one bums me out because Chad Smith is a great drummer and seems like such a a good dude.
Calling it person milk is technically correct but boy oh boy does it make me uncomfortable.
And this misadventure takes place on arrakis?
Isn’t that from the fugitive?
Grifting his cult, as is tradition.
There are several alternatives out there but ebay dominates the market share so much they don’t seem to do well. And it seems like setting up a competitor would be hilariously expensive and probably would end up just as terrible.
Docker’s, Carhartt and Dickies pants (not jeans) have all held up to my factory job.
Shrug my shoulders and walk away.
Does she think all the fillers make her look good? Cause yikes. Also that make up in the third picture is… rough.
At the rate we’re going either climate change and/or the GOP will have caused Florida to slide into the ocean so you got that to look forward to.
AvE Adam Savage/Tested Bushy and the Backlogs
I’m tragically white so I’ve never sunbathed, but I very rarely need sunscreen on my legs at all.