I’m as loyal to my company as they are to me.
If big boss is cranky that day, I might get fired. If I make A mistake I might get fired. I am payed as little as they think they can get away with. My benefits are the vert least they can give me.
They will do very very minimum they can. Make no investments in me that are not going to be immediately beneficial to them…
I get payed pretty well concidering everything. But I Know that I am just a name in a spreadsheet to these people. If I get in a car accident and can’t work for a few months, the company and management will not care. They will just be annoyed that they have to struggle to fill my shift.
Why in the world would I have any loyalty to an organization like that. Why would I have any loyalty to management like that.
This realy is the key point imo.
There are people out there that can give a 100k+ gift to their partner other.
According to Google there are about 1.3 million households that make over 500k a year in the United States. That’s not a big number compare to the total population but it’s a big number.
Those families and many others are able to afford something like that if they want too. Notice the homes in those commercials are always very nice aswell. If you cant afford that, then you are simply not the target audience.
I know i sure as hell can’t.