Man I miss the real Solaris. Fuck Oracle. At least IRIX never turned to shit
Man I miss the real Solaris. Fuck Oracle. At least IRIX never turned to shit
Even at 5 to 7 ( and to teenage years) there are stretching exercises that can be done to loosen the foreskin and completely make the surgery unnecessary (and yes there are rare cases where that doesn’t help and surgery is the last resort). I would still say you didn’t have consent at 5 or 6. Sorry to hear you got mutilated
Are you forgetting their conservative personalities like S.E.Cup, Lou Dobbs, etc?
CNN was never lefty anyway.
I bought someone a Vitamix once - I was sort of shocked I was able to throw stuff in it, blend it, turn up the speed, and the blended stuff came out hot and consumable as a hot soup. It was easily cleanable, motor is strong, and just consistent and reliable. I suppose I had sticker shock too, but after seeing them in action, I feel it is top end stuff that one would happily pass on to kids, but I don’t use a lot of blenders to really compare
Nedit - was a great simple editor i discovered on SGI IRIX, still use it today. Also, emacs is in a class of itself, it’s more OS than text editor 🤣
Orphan black - first season was amazing, it was an amazing concept. It was pretty clear the writers didn’t know wtf to do once they got a season 2+ and they choked imho
Work to live vs live to work
Sounds like you’ve been surrounded by live to work people, the saddest most pathetic people in society (unless they own the actual business they are slaving for, that’s a different dynamic)
Grammer Nazi’s showing up to the party to, nice
Telescopes don’t really get too crazy until one wants to get into astrophotography (assuming we want an APO at that point, not before). At that point staying in the four digits is an accomplishment in itself…
But I did learn something when I bought a binoviewer for my telescope, I had to buy double the eyepieces and that was a bit hit that I didn’t fully think out
There was a saying years ago that still hold true to today - “Unix is user friendly, it’s just selective who it’s friends are”.
Years ago, I setup an SGI IRIX box for my parents to use, back when Netscape was browser king. I had it so customized for my parents that they still talk about how easy it was to use; problem for me was it took me months to figure out all the config tricks and X customizations to pull it off… Your post made me think of that lol
If I have to pick, this range and a copy of dracula X and SOTN rather than a probable disappointment from present day Konami
This is a bad take. Boomers created the internet, Unix, C, processors and other IC’s, other OS’s, created computer graphics as we know them now, etc etc etc. They are the pioneers we stand on, but each generation has a bell curve.
Millennials start with the same bell curve, I assume a bit better maybe because knowledge is easier to access for those who seek it, but don’t confuse navigating an app, and knowing how to Google troubleshooting terms as some form of technical supremacy, if the internet goes away tomorrow, how many millennials will know how to troubleshoot issues or create IC’s from rocks?
Bro stop bullshitting us. A casual would not know this much detail 🤣🤣😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
This is an easy question to answer. Look at Henry Ford and look at Bezos and his type (oh for example Walmart, etc). Ford wanted his workers to be able to afford the product he was making, and he even lost a landmark case because he was looking out for the best interest of his employees and his customers, from wikipedia:
Dodge v. Ford Motor Company, 204 Mich. 459, 170 N.W. 668 (Mich. 1919)[1] is a case in which the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders, rather than in a manner for the benefit of his employees or customers. It is often taught as affirming the principle of “shareholder primacy” in corporate America, although that teaching has received some criticism
I know your shitposting, but I used to run into shit like this all the time back when I used to try to run Loki software games on Linux back in the day. Within 6 months all the games I had were un-fucking-runnable.
It’s still a thing now depending how crazy you want to get with your system (let’s pretend you don’t run Linux on an x86 system for example - good luck lol)
Basically right winger media likes to paint California as the enemy (the right wing puppet masters currently hate the governor to really explain it), and the right wing muppets will not realize when they are out of their echo chamber and they will make some comment about commie Cali and your just supposed to agree and be mad. If you ask them to explain why they hate an entire state, the inability to actually explain why “California bad” is a sign that they don’t really know and are victims to the right wing propaganda industrial complex
It used to really boggle my mind too (I met a young earth creationist for the first time in my life, he was a network engineer), but then I realized a lot of people just look at techy type jobs purely to make money, not because they are science and tech nerds.
Many people go towards software engineer/computer science type stuff because that’s where the money is. And honestly there is not much there that really would change someones ideology - nothing about sorting algorithms, processor opcodes, schedulers, etc etc really challenges someone’s views - just tools to learn to make that paycheck. So a young earther learns what a packet is and how it gets routed from point a to point b - what exactly would challenge his view that the bible is literal in any of that? Those kinds of people don’t really have any curiosity about the world and are not looking for any answers
Meta is just going to scrub all the Cara content into their AI system anyway. They have no fear because there are no real consequences