I came here to make a similar comment. In KDE just use… I could swear it was ctrl+alt+arrow key but a quick search tells me it’s meta+arrow key (currently on my phone) to tile windows if I want. Quarter or half sceen tiling works for me so I’m content with that. OP didn’t specifically say dynamic tiling so perhaps one of these methods will be sufficient for OP?
I’ll check out that tiling feature mentioned above, I wasn’t aware of it and am curious!
Obsfucation can help stimey scripts. I saw using a non-standard port mentioned.
You can also setup a reverse proxy to deliver a different, empty site to a different dns entry by default. Use either a completely separate (as opposed to multidomain) cert for each, or a wildcard cert.
Jellyfin also supports using a custom path, instead of delivering at the root. Your reverse proxy would need to be configured accordingly.