this is a great idea for mark rober
this is a great idea for mark rober
reddit used to have a great fountain pen community. i dont collect myself, bit i do enjoy seeing those beautiful works of art
i collect dice. i really enjoy finding unusual dice via kickstarter. im always on the look out for something that hasnt been done before or unusual shapes. when a new type, i.e. liquid core, comes out i usually wait a month or so to see what the market does. if everyone starts making them then i dont usually add them to my collection. i am also trying to collect all the chessex gemini series dice
i recently heard a story about parents that ran over their kid. they did a bunch of petitions to mandate backup cameras. i couldnt quickly find anything to back this up though
depending on you weather preferences Radar Now is a great weather radar app. ive used it for years
the hold in your hand clicky clack math rocks
my first thought was laser eyes. i pop in to see the comments and this is a way better answer