Oh shit it’s a motherfucking Wikipedia link oh noooooooo
hello weary traveller. please won’t you sit amd rest a while
Oh shit it’s a motherfucking Wikipedia link oh noooooooo
Well, actually, I don’t see literal ‘shit’ here. I see comical pixel recreation of faecal matter however one cannot equate that directly to the aforementioned faecal matter ipso facto. Please give me your postal address so I can enclose some literal shit in an envelope and mail it to you forthwith.
You can delete your posts, but I’m still gunna upbear them, coward
Capitalism is just markets. My god. It all makes sense now.
The libs scratch themselves now? They scratch themselves now.
Someone to clean my apartment. I don’t want my family to have to do my dirty dishes when collecting my personal effects.
It really depends, I think. I love dogs, unfortunately my experience with them in the workplace (for me, the office) has been negative on the balance when they’re a regular feature.
My boss at one job brought in his Doberman cross, it would always hang out in the room me and my coworkers used, and would fart regularly and copiously. The room wasn’t ventilated, and the boss’s solution was to come in and spray a half can of air freshener if we complained. It smelt as bad as you’d imagine. I loved patting and walking the dog during down time, but damn, it was stinky.
That being said, if the workspace were larger, and ventilated, I’d be totally on board.
I love the wumao weekend bonus, earn five mao Fridays, six mao Saturdays and seven mao Sundays. It’s the icing on the posting cake.
Thank you PP, whether PoA responds to this comment or not, I found it very clear and insightful.