And i thought it was bad when the gps says to make a right at the starbucks instead of using the street name.
And i thought it was bad when the gps says to make a right at the starbucks instead of using the street name.
Looks like you could have saved ten bucks by ordering a pick up order and not tipping. Welcome to the price of convenience.
I wonder in what ways does India believe they are the world leader of anything? India is just another country America outsources things to. Its way over crowded, weather is insane and the people seem to be stuck in the past in terms of acceptable hygiene and women’s rights.
That being said, i still would love to eat some indian food and witness India’s culture as a tourist.
If the writing in the post is any indication of the level of writing and communication at work, OP needs to work on their communication skills.
I get the point you’re trying to make but they made a free version of windows a while ago. The price for it is the ads.
If the smart car was made today it probably would have a cvt. But an extremely budget car back then, cvts weren’t as common.
The emergency deployment system is your skydiving instructor grabbing onto you and pulling the cords of your primary (in case it was user error), then secondary (in case the primary failed) and finally just holding on while the instructor deploys their chute.
Obviously thats so wrong. The correct answer is to pray for the answer and keep taking naps until you get your answers.
Thats how you get elevated government contract prices, to compensate for ensuring these factories keep making a product longer than its natural shelf life. And also the risk of being stuck with an obsolete technology.
If we lived in a world where plastic didnt exist, and some body brought it in. The closest approximation of articulating clear plastic would be flexible glass.
+1. Yep. As much as we like to believe we have the entirety of everything already archived and there isnt anything new to discover, the world is bigger than we know.
I wonder if you can just blast that over speakers to get around the loudness issue?
A factory worker seems like one of those jobs that doesnt require a college degree.