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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I used to be very empathic, I cared so much about the world and everyone in it. Making sure people were taken care of, and hoping for the best for everything. I would get depressed when bad things happened and I couldn’t do anything about it. But as I’ve gotten older and the world has gotten so much worse and it keeps getting worse and worse. I find I’ve adopted an “It is what it is” attitude about nearly everything. I have zero faith in humanity and it’s ability to over come the downward spiral we are in, and doubt we will still be here in 100 years, and frankly have gotten to the point were I feel that might be for the best. Time for the universe to hit reset and start again.

  • I think you are suffering from rose colored glasses syndrome. Elon has always been a horrible human, always will be a horrible human, and deserves all the criticism he gets. Doing 1 good thing while simultaneously doing 1,000 horrible things doesn’t make you great.

    Your thought that he was such a great guy just a few years ago, why do you think that? He made an electric car? He made rockets that can land themselves? He made an online only bank? What exactly did he do that made him so great? Cause he didn’t invent any of that, he didn’t have the original ideas, or come up with the original concepts, he just bought them. All he did, is use his inherited wealth to fund investments, that he then used profits from to fund other investments. He bought companies that already existed. He had the capital to invest. So it sounds like you are saying that money made him great?

    You want to know how great of a person he was behind closed doors? It’s an easy metric to quantify. How many kids does he have, and by how many partners? Now, why do so many of those kids or partners want nothing to do with him? Could it be cause he’s always been a horrible douche bag, and always has been?