İt is not merged yet. There is a pr but it isnt merged currently. You can use kde2nix in the meanwhile
I am curious, how you use window shading in your workflow?
Wow it is game of my childhood comig back yesss!!!. Also it is cool the developer using linux mint and kdenlive for creating the video
Nix packages arent containerized by default. But since every depenedency is clearly defined. there are tools wrap packkages using bublewrap, or tools build layered docker imahes
But building packages happens in sandbox
I think it should be possible to use bwrap to sandbox programs.
Even when using home manager or any other dotfile manager your $HOME folder is still filled with junk. It maybe in your controlled repo but it still ends up as symlink to that repo.
I have :q to exit too since i was trying to exit shell with :q. I guess (n)vim users cant exit their shells :)
Reminds me
Also small channels might be better for servers since they get security fixes more quickly since some it has less cache and less tests