So basically the word for zero is “drizzle”?
That’s awesome
So basically the word for zero is “drizzle”?
That’s awesome
You could try Glassdoor, but my understanding is that it’s not as accurate as levels.
A surprising number of people don’t know about
Go to, find some companies and compare at your level. For a long time I was like “ain’t no way these numbers are accurate, people are getting paid that much?” YES THE NUMBERS ARE ACCURATE; your company’s excuses for a shitty raise this year (“blah blah market conditions, blah blah you are already on the upper end of your band, let’s work on a promotion next year”) are bullshit.
Is it? It’s just an optional property. And Typescript will tell you that it’s optional.
People love to complain about npm
and node_modules
, but I think they were on to something with the simplicity of it.
Return undefined.
Why error? Just return undefined. Simple, no try/catch needed.
I had to use Python for a bit at work and it was confusing
pipenv, venv, virtualenv, poetry…wtf is all this shit
vs a['b']
vs a.get('b')
…wtf is a KeyError
Indoor is good though. Floating around the mall is a good activity for shit weather days