Okay thanks, I’ll keep that in mind
Okay thanks, I’ll keep that in mind
It’s full. I think I’ll just go with this setup until I eventually replace it with an ssd. Was cheap and I needed a bunch of capacity for and easy access to audio and video files that I’ll keep backed up elsewhere anyway. Might put in a pad like another commenter suggested, or just keep the top screw of the panel undone. Was mainly worried I was being a huge dumbass but seems like things will work out well enough
The slightest bit of tension, but not enough to permanently bend it. It bulges out maybe a couple of millimeters when closed and screwed on. Just didn’t know if the drive would suffer because I have no idea how well they tolerate pressure. But good to hear, thanks, that puts my mind at ease!
Not putting shit away in public when they could easily do so with minor effort for someone’s/everyone’s benefit. Shopping carts, plates at a food court, trash, etc.
I’d say mine started with Buttercup
Don’t all three of those points apply to humans?
Mildly interesting was literally just ads. “My Cheerios™ box contained even more Cheerios™ than it was supposed to!”
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