It’s not a secret, we know who the billionaires are that are funding this madness, but the only people that could put a stop to it, are the ones benefiting from them.
It’s not a secret, we know who the billionaires are that are funding this madness, but the only people that could put a stop to it, are the ones benefiting from them.
Driving home drunk one night while in college, my brother decided to drive straight, instead of slowing to take the 45° right turn. Soon after the town put up very large, reflective arrows pointing out the turn. He survived, though his Camaro did not.
Would have been 12 years this month. I left when they pulled that crap with Christian (Apollo), he’s a friend IRL and I support him 100%.
I would’ve gotten away with it, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!
I, random internet stranger, was a featured extra on an episode of America’s Most Wanted in 1988 (I can not find the episode online though). There’s 1 for ya.