Open-minded conversation.
Open-minded conversation.
Nothing has replaced what Reddit was. I use Lemmy for the nostalgic feeling but it does not compare.
I followed news, politics and science, mostly. The community on Reddit used every tool available to create credibility. Then profiteering tore it asunder.
The only other social media app I ever use is Facebook. But it’s purely for connections to friends, family and local hobby groups.
Unless it is a superpac.
“You didn’t teach us this.”
I seem to have had great luck with the brand if these comments are any real sample.
I am surprised to hear this. I have not had any issues with my Samsung devices. I have a fridge, washer, dryer and television.
Are they Mormon missionaries? I swear they put a bowling lane in their apartments. This is from two different sources. One of which I got to witness myself on several occasions.
Pop ups in early to mid '00s
This is the best show to come to Netflix in a couple years. I thought connecting the mutations to an existing mutation was brilliant. I would love to discuss this in depth, but that is going further off topic for this post.
The hate for this show that I saw, living in Florida, was prejudice. They see a show centered around black people and are angry. They see an lgbtq+ character in a show and are angry. They see Republican habits as the antagonist and are angry. Actually they don’t even need to see it. They just need someone on TikTok or Truth Social to rile them up without evidence.
What horrible person invented that recipe?! Every time I look at a jar of the stuff I am captivated by all the delicious beans and vegetables until I recall that aweful disgusting sugar coated saccharine syrup flavor. It was an aweful experience. I would even have liked it if the liquid was pure vinegar, but no, it had to be cloying.
I have always upvoted comments I disagree with if they are using good arguments. I save downvotes for hate and bad faith.
Everything has deceptive language and other types of manipulation. I used to merchandise and learned a lot. Most ads make me angry because of this. Politics is similar but that just makes me sad.
The only reason I went to McDonald’s before covid was because breakfast was available all day.
Almost every reason given sounds like a description of my home of Florida.
But it has been two whole minutes and nobody has given me anything for quandary or conversation!
I’m not sure how to look up ratings of bands. There are some I love but did not seem to be well known enough for comparing ratings.
I’m going to mention Filthy Children as an example.
My great grandfather’s mason uniform.