As a skilled migrant that emigrated out of the US, no. There are plenty of companies in the EU that would love your talent and are more than willing give you better job protection and higher quality of life.
As a skilled migrant that emigrated out of the US, no. There are plenty of companies in the EU that would love your talent and are more than willing give you better job protection and higher quality of life.
Get shit like that in writing. That’s some promissory estoppel shit right there.
This take is so naive. You really think the advertisers will give up their current, rich sources of data for Mozilla’s watered down crap? Given the current market share, no one is going to pay a premium for this little data. Or do you think the people that came up with everything creep.js does in order to track you will suddenly grow some ethics and stop doing that just because Mozilla is selling my data in aggregate? Not only is this a dumb idea that won’t even work (like just about every other non-browser thing they have tried), but then they also felt selling my data was within their right.
Mozilla Corp was never entitled to my data to sell in aggregate or to stay in for-profit business.