This is self hosted dammit! But awesome writeup!
Is that your article ?
I am in a bit of a funny position, I am volunteering in an underdeveloped country, and have my immich instance running at my in-laws. But I don’t have access to my NAS. Backblaze would be ideal!
What have you done to run it there? Is it as easy as mounting juicefs, and pointing immich dirs there?
I have about 700gb that would have to be migrated, any ideas on that? Or would it be relatively transparent to immich just copy and pasting?
I don’t think that you would team them, but add a barrel jack for the big charger.
Yeah, the clock moves around and the child is a joy, But death doesn’t care just who it destroys, Now the woman gets sick, thins down to the bone, She says, “Where I’m going next, I’m going alone”
Paul Kelly - Deeper Water
Especially that last line. Damn powerful. And the whole song talks to me as a father of a 10year old.
I can recommend it for a listen
The article said that they are the major shareholder.
It would be cool if there was a browser plugin that will automatically replace any (or reddit/facebook, etc) share-to button with a share to lemmy button.
this is the same with every docker container.
If you have a NUC, i would use that.
Anytime i try something like this with RPi type gizmo’s, i always run into problems. Overkill with a NUC could make your life much easier :D
I have had some Uqiquiti gear become end of life, then no longer supported in the Unifi app, which, well is a problem as that was my AP’s for home. I don’t like the forced obsolescence.
One of my colleagues loves the TP-Link Omada system, which provide similar functionality, and since Ubiquiti did me dirty with the changes, i am considering changing over. I believe the TP-Link gear is a bit cheaper too.
Either way, i would go for a prosumer/small office type setup, so that you can do all the fun things us selfhosted want, but not necessarily need :D
i used dockStarter for a while, but ultimately moved away from it to roll my own docker-compose. This was a few years ago though.
For me, i always want to make it fit with how i want to run my server, so a lot of the times i wanted to adjust the settings. The other big thing is that I always find services not in the library, so need to learn it anyway.
There is nothing (i dont think) stopping you from doing both!
The gradual increase in responsibility. They have to pay board. A roster for dinners, a bill out into their name (one that you can deal with being cut off for a little bit (!!!).
But ultimately, it is also out habit of just getting it done that means we just do it.
I expect that it is a conversation and agreement of shared tasks and responsibilities.
Cutoff access to wifi and don’t pay phone bills, plenty of ways to get started, but it always starts with a chat.
how then do you actually access Merkuro? i just installed the kontact flatpak, but i have no idea on how to access it?
soo. where can i install the Merkuro stuff for Kubuntu?
edy: well, how can i download the installer, or the repo?
I have got recording ssid’s when I connect, but not the password.
It also doesn’t check whether it exists in the list, not sure how to do that yet. I think I need pro to use lists and dictionaries
i have just started running radicale a lot more for calendars and contacts. then use betterbird for the client on my laptop and other android apps.
the problem is that there is no web-ui. otherwise, relatively solid and lightweight server so far.
Can you share your macro’s?
oh that is cool. thanks!
Any ideas on which would be a better automate tool? i have not used either.
Depending. But yes. A lot of the time they go the long way around, and head out to some server and back to your local network.
If the internet is down, or the vendor shits off the server, the device stops working.
Home assistant is attempting to localise everything, and get different vendors devices to work together.
Note, for your hass install, it can be installed on any server. Though I am using the green device
Yeah. I would keep the db local, and probably the thumbs and intermediary photos too. But the full resolution would probably be in S3.
dB’s are not good on object store, and not good running over the internet. I wish they had native S3 storage, as that would allow for high speed access, where as this will download to the server, then upload to the client which will add latency.