Not on my Galaxy S23+ from Google Fi
Not on my Galaxy S23+ from Google Fi
The sound of the “Click of Death” still haunts me.
We had Jazz drives too, which just failed and caused you to lose a larger amount of data than a zip.
I thought I was 43 for probably close to a year, and even told everyone that asked I was until I had to get my own health insurance and found out I was actually 44.
Steelcase leap v2 from Crandall online.
They’re an official remanufacturee, so they put new cylinders, new casters and other parts like fresh foam and fabric on them.
Mine was a grade B and honestly, I couldn’t find a single mark or scratch on it.
It’s adjustable and lockable on the Leap v2 that I have.
I really like that I can set it at the angle I prefer and like you said, keep it from going back every time I want to sit back in the chair.
If you disable the Ethernet/WiFI then you can create a local account, but you have to do a small.extra step…
press SHIFT+F10 keys to open Command Prompt.
Run the following: OOBE\BYPASSNRO
After this, setup will reboot the computer and you’ll get a new option I don’t have Internet or Continue with limited setup to skip the Internet requirement and you can create a local account as well.
You could burn so many .mp3 CDs with that thing!!!
This is only the 3764th post this week…
Never had to remove a single phone I’ve ever owned from the case to wirelessly charge.
We have one client that used that garbage. So annoying to deal with. Bye Felicia.
Team Sync!!!
Nothing too fancy, but colorful.
I have no idea what it’s supposed to mean now?
If you are a dude and getting a bit older, then the Panasonic Nose and Ear hair trimmer. It’s like 13$ on Amazon.
13+ years here, haven’t been back since the API debacle happened and my favorite app Sync went under.
Pretty excited though since I’m new here and just read that Sync is coming back as a Lemmy app soon!
I’ve generally had good luck with hardware and things just worked under linux. But one day I upgraded a few machines on my network to 2.5G ethernet. Several already had the ports, but my little NUC NAS box didn’t, so I installed a 2.5G usb ethernet dongle. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get it to work. It would show up and NM would act like it was up and there were no errors or anything, but it just wouldn’t actually function.
Eventually, I found out that it has a built in USB data partition that contains the drivers for windows. The card was coming up as a usb disk first when the hardware was assigned and not a network card which it should have been.
I had to write a blacklist the usb modules first, which I had done before, but I had to also write a udev rule to automatically add the network card and driver on boot. It wasn’t that difficult to actually do, but I had just never had to do anything with udev rules before. Took me a good three days of troubleshooting to finally get everything to work correctly on boot.
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="20f4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="e02c", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe r8152" RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 20f4 e02c > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/r8152/new_id'"