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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If you want a preview of an uncaring and anti-consumer Valve, look no further than the company’s efforts on Mac.

    Valve never updated any of its earlier games to run in 64-bit mode… Apple dropped support for 32-bit applications in 2019

    Funny enough, the only platform with a 64-bit Steam client is Mac.

    I don’t disagree with concerns about monopoly, but the author’s key example is Macs. And from the example, it sounds to me like Apple disregards backwards compatibility (dropping 32-bit support, moving to ARM chips) and Valve isn’t investing to keep up. Meanwhile, Windows has a heavy backwards-compatibility focus, and Linux isn’t too bad either, so no wonder they still get Valve’s attention. So who is being “anti-consumer” in this example, Valve or Apple?

  • At a glance, it looks like Aegis generates standard TOTP tokens, which means there’s a lot of software that can do the same thing, so you don’t need to emulate Aegis. I use pass-otp (an extension to pass), but that’s command-line-only, and a lot to deal with if you’re not already using pass. From a quick search, it looks like Keysmith and OTPClient are decent graphical alternatives. From another quick search, OTPClient is available in Ubuntu 23.10.

    Edit: Re-reading your post, your issue is that you don’t like logging in on your phone, right? But Aegis just provides the code, you should be able to use the code from your phone to log in on your computer. TOTP codes are only affected by the secret values and the current time, so the code generated on your phone can be used on any device.

  • From a quick search, a MATLAB student license is $50 (USD, probably), which is less than most textbooks but still not nothing. Whether piracy is justified or not, I just want to point out that this is how they get you. Microsoft gives cheap Office licenses to schools and Adobe turns a blind eye to amateur piracy of Photoshop because they know that getting you comfortable with their software early means you’re more likely to pay to keep using it professionally later. I don’t know if MathWorks had a hand in the MATLAB requirement (I would bet it was just a prof who wants to stick with what they know), but good on you for trying to push for alternatives and testing against Octave.