I only just played Symphony of the Night this last winter and was treated to an unforgettable experience. Then felt the same way all over again the next month when my wife picked up Hollow Knight. Both highly recommended.
I am an electric meat robot.
I only just played Symphony of the Night this last winter and was treated to an unforgettable experience. Then felt the same way all over again the next month when my wife picked up Hollow Knight. Both highly recommended.
But have you learned to swim?
When R2 gives up and lets go, his final little punctuated whack to shut R2’s tool hatch…that might be my favorite character beat in the entire series. Like, “That’s right, fucker!”
He’s not perfectly on-grid, so an approximation is the best we can do.
Rainbow Road!
Nobuo Uematsu - “Rufus’ Welcoming Ceremony” from Final Fantasy VII
Miss you, Mitch.
My favorite is Botticelli. Easier to demonstrate than explain, but I get a kick out of it.
Learned about this one from Game Changer! They called it Same Brain.
A white-knuckle shootout in a sandblasted derelict office building set to “Glasgow Mega-Snake” by Mogwai was a simultaneously pleasant and harrowing surprise.
Somehow, JNCO has returned.
Can you elaborate on the decision to make it that much smaller?
Thank you! Been looking forward to another one.
I can diverge my eyes really far, almost equivalent to how far I can cross them. Way easier when I’m super sleepy.
Do you roll your eyes up or down?
The original THX Deep Note was the bad kind of dissonant for my little brain growing up. Even the THUD parody version from the Tiny Toons “movie” gave me the creeps.
shuddering, tearful …why would you draw that?
Plim sounds like a real Irken name.
Yeah, that’s on the list too! Thanks for the writeup.