We all tip for good service. If a delivery person delivers your pizza piping
hot, or a barista gives you your coffee very fast you pay them a tip. Why do
people not give a % tip to their landlord? Lets be honest here, we incrue fees
for taking their money, and we have to free up time to check if they actually
paid on time (because we all know most tenants are lazy when it comes to paying
bills). Is it wrong of me to call tenants and ask for a tipping % when I think I
did a good job that month?
If you rent a unit from a 3, 4, 5 flat and the landlord lives there. Sometimes you get someone real nice who goes out of their way to make things nice. Usually you just recipricate like with friends or family. Offer them part of something you made or cleaing up an outdoor space or such.
If you rent a unit from a 3, 4, 5 flat and the landlord lives there. Sometimes you get someone real nice who goes out of their way to make things nice. Usually you just recipricate like with friends or family. Offer them part of something you made or cleaing up an outdoor space or such.